Aurora Tennis and Swim Club       (504) 392-3300

Using the Website - Tutorial



Welcome to the Aurora Country Club website. More than just a website these pages provide a comprehensive web based publishing, scheduling and communications system that club management and members use to get the most out of their club. The site is designed to work like many popular websites including Yahoo, CNN and AOL so it should seem familiar to experienced web users. Others may want to follow this simple tutorial guide to become familiar with the features in the site.

Proceed with the tutorial now by clicking on the Home Page topic below. Read more about the Home page and its components then read about the other features on the website (You will find additional tutorial instructions in italics like this as you proceed)


Home Page The first thing to look for on the home page is the Welcoming Message. It is on the left wide of the page just under the banner. Mem...


Topic Pages Topic pages provide a standard way to display information throughout the website. Each topic page displays the bann...


Information Response Page The information page accessible from the main menu displays a form to be used by members and the general publc interest...


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